Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wow! 7 Months!

Today at 6:21pm, Carter Elizabeth will officially be 7 Months! I cannot believe how fast my little girl has grown! April has been a whirl wind of a month. I blinked and it was time for the new month sticker I decorate her onsies with each month!.

Some of Carter Elizabeth's accomplishments this month, we sit unsupported and can correct herself if she starts to lean, she pulls toys towards her and looks for them when they disappear, and, most excitely, she has her 2 bottom teeth (PS..teething was no fun and it hurt me seeing her in pain)

She has been a busy little social butterfly also this month. She attended wedding showers, doctor appointments, and we joined a parent- tot swim class. Excuse the guard suit from 1996- The Y does not allow bikinis and this was all I could find!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Our hair is coming in....still very dark closest to the neck but blonde on top... We have been enjoying fun "Bed Head" hair do's lately. The picture below reminds me of a poem my mom, Carter's Grandmom sings to her. It is called "girl with a curl". She and Alfalfa would make a great team!