Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gastro Doctor

We went for Carter's last Gastro Doctor visit Tuesday and there was nothing but GOOD news. She can come off the expensive Nutramigen formula at her 6-month mark and then at 6 month 2 weeks we can start alternating days on when she needs the acid reflux medicine! So relieved that her stomach is getting stronger.

He also told me that there was absolutely no need for her to be on solids till 6 months and that he would prefer her not to be since her stomach is sensitive. I was so happy to hear that because I made the desicion about 2 weeks prior not to give her solids till closer to the 6 month mark!

She weighed 14 pounds and 4 ounces with a wet diaper and clothes on! Carter was about 24 inches long!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day

Carter had a big Valentine's Day yesterday! She got her first rose from Mimi and Poppy. Mildred Andrew brought over a white teddy bear and a chocolate muffin. Leon and E surprised Carter with 2 new outfits, 2 books, teething rings, a ice cream rattle, pink shoes, socks, and a red and pink lion she has enjoyed talking to...

Though we did not do much for Valentine's Day, we had a good time playing with Carter!
Above is a picture of Carter with her Valentine!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Since I now have a little more time on my hands since the little bit is sleeping better, I thought I would create a website so friends can follow her accomplishments throughout Carter's first year....

I cannot believe how much Carter Elizabeth has grown/changed/learned in her first four months of life... Trey and I are truely lucky to have such a spirited little person in our lives! Enjoy!